LabVIEW Models for In-Cab Systems Validation


Our client, a prominent player in the global railway market, utilizes the LabVIEW tool to validate their onboard equipment function and safety requirements before assembly and installation. After years of evolution, their equipment range could no longer be comprehensively tested using current models, which prompted the need for urgent modernization.


Client Challenge

Enable complete validation of modernized and brand-new in-cab systems, providing a greater process efficiency.

Project Objective

Upgrade the test model base for the onboard equipment to ensure its comprehensive validation using LabVIEW.


To provide a solid framework for in-cab validation, our LabVIEW-specialized hardware engineers proceeded with extensive work on review, redesign, and creation of automated tests simulating real operational conditions for carborne equipment. 

Using the LabVIEW platform, the PSA team performed the following scope at the board level: 

  • Refactoring of existing tests to thoroughly validate manufactured equipment

  • Architecting and implementing new tests with software libraries, HAL, and API for the advanced pre-launch equipment

  • Validation of in-cab equipment for the current two-line project

  • Tests migration to the latest LabVIEW version with enhanced functionality

During 6 weeks onsite, our two-member team was rolling out the advanced testing flow by testing and debugging control boards using modernized models. All the tests went through comprehensive engineering controls to ensure 100% coverage. 

As a result, our client gained a full scope of automated tests to check all functions of the boards included in traditional and brand-new in-cab equipment with detailed guidelines. A streamlined validation process promotes faster introduction of advanced applications, such as CBTC, which was successfully proven on the current two-line project.

To explore more technical details click here.

Development Included

  • Code Refactoring
  • Architecture Design
  • Test Cases Creation & Execution
  • Software Migration



  • 100% testing coverage of critical in-cab equipment

  • Streamlined testing process

  • Cab system validated for a two-line rail project

Technology Breakdown

Project size
  • 2 Software Engineers
  • 18 months

Further Cooperation

For over 15 years, we are hand-in-hand with this client, providing holistic support with Carborne Systems Testing and other validation-related activities, be it Engineering of Custom Test Fixture, VectorCAST testing for RAMS, or Train Control System Testing.

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