Latest-Gen CBTC for Major City Rapid Transit


Since 2022, PSA has supported our client with one of the most extensive signaling projects in the US – modernization of the rapid transit network for a major city and it’s surroundings. The upgraded rail network will be able to meet ridership of 30k passengers per hour and bolster the potential for its further extension to the major economic region


Client Challenge

Replace the 50-year-old conventional signaling system to deliver world-class passenger rail service in congested areas and meet the regions future needs.

Project Objective

Redesign the signaling system for 10 locations of the rapid transit for its seamless operation on the latest-gen CBTC system.


PSA has played an important role in the extensive modernization project with multiple contractors involved. Given the total project scale, we had to competently navigate shifting priorities, the lack of a complete and up-to-date schedule, and sudden changes during the main development phase. 

As an inherent part of the project, the PSA engineering team provides end-to-end signaling design for key locations with the client’s equipment as a core for Communications-Based Train Control with a hot standby functionality. Having started with 3 locations as a trial, we calibrated all the details and requirements with the client and then expanded our participation to 10 locations. 

Thanks to the PSA team, the CBTC system was empowered with: 

  • Switch and signal control

  • Backup train detection using axle counters

  • Wayside objects control 

  • Trouble-free CBTC transition during stations’ commissioning using Day/Night cabinets 

  • Diagnostics functionality

Through the stages of designs and cross-checks, we completed a full scope of activities required for interlocking subsystem design under the client’s standards, providing: 

  • Hardware design package (Book of Plan) with power calculations

  • Application logic files for wayside controllers to execute interlocking

  • CAD and detailing drawings for seamless equipment installation

  • Location models in the simulator for testing purposes

  • FAT procedures and testing datasheets

PSA’s involvement promotes an exceptional safety level for the designed CBTC system, allowing for minimizing consequences of the failure of any wayside controller.

As of 2024, we’ve been engaged in 6 project phases, and plan to assist the client up to the commissioning phase onsite.

To explore more technical details click here.

Development Included

  • Hardware Design & Check
  • CAD & Detailing
  • Power Calculations
  • Software Design & Check
  • Software Simulation
  • FAT & Field Datasheets Creation
  • FAT Engineering Support
  • Onsite Commissioning (projected)



  • Unconditional safety of the interlocking subsystem

  • CBTC functionality provided

  • Full schedule compliance; commissioning is planned in 2025

Technology Breakdown

Project size
  • 10 Signaling Engineers
  • 3 CAD Engineers
  • August 2022 to present

Further Cooperation

PSA has a rich history of close cooperation with this client, which has resulted in successful Suburban Rail Modernization, Signalization for Commuter Railroad delivery, and CBTC transition for yet another Rapid Transit among other signaling design projects. In the same way, we plan to proceed with our cooperation to help deliver best-in-class rail services worldwide maintaining safety as a top priority.

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