Simplified Deployment of Shipping Container Monitoring Product


In 2022, the PSA team took over the development of a shipping container monitoring product, and started enhancing it with new features. Leveraging the potential of integrated IoT infrastructure, our client is focused on further facilitation of the device deployment while strengthening data integrity and performance. To ensure maximized benefits, we provide flexible opportunities for the client to try out new ideas without breaking the budget. .


Client Challenge

Cost-effectively evaluate the possibility to facilitate product deployment and integration within multiple servers.

Project Objective

With limited resources, deliver PoC of the solution to simplifying data transfer from breach detection devices to multiple servers while maintaining data integrity.


To evaluate the concept, the PSA team created an MVP of a multiplexor (mux) – an app for transferring complete data from breach detection devices to a number of servers using the server communication protocol. 

First, we modified the existing product architecture in Azure by fitting the mux there. Our engineers provided several connectivity options considering a more expensive option with private cloud enablement, and a less expensive option with no private cloud deployment. The app allows for seamless connection to: 

  • The product app for shipping monitoring

  • 3-party system directly

  • 3-party system utilizing IoT Tartabit bridge as a mediator to simplify integration

Second, our team developed an app with limited functionality, which allowed for the thorough evaluation of the basic concept. The solution works with the existing stateful and sequential TCP service, providing data tracking, quick data retransmission for better performance, and data retention in case of failure. 

The delivered app contributes to data integrity by utilizing the unified protocol, and allows for facilitation of the deployment by excluding the need for unique provisioning in every device to particular server. 

The client rapidly evaluated the PoC and leveraged it for investigation and testing of integration capabilities.

To explore more technical details click here.

Development Included

  • Requirements development
  • Infrastructure set-up
  • Architecture design
  • Software development
  • Functional testing


  • Time and money saved on concept evaluation

  • The app was considered to be utilized for investigation purposes

Technology Breakdown

Project size
  • 1 Software Engineer
  • 1 DevOps Engineer
  • 2 QA Engineers
  • 4 months

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